Launched on 5/6/2024

This Privacy Policy outlines how QG Pvt. Ltd. ("W24") collects, uses, shares, and protects personal information disclosed by users ("Users" or "you") during their usage of the W24 website and mobile application ("Platform"). Here's a summary of the key points covered in the policy:

1. Types of Information Collected: W24 collects various types of information, including user-provided data during registration, transaction details, interaction information, technical information, usage information, messages, cookies, and web beacons.

2. Use of Information:The collected information is utilized to enable access and usage of the Platform, process transactions, facilitate game participation, send service-related communications, market services/products, handle support requests, perform internal operations, verify users, measure promotions' effectiveness, personalize the Platform, provide customer support, and enforce policies.

3. Storage of Information: User data is securely stored and processed on servers located in India, and in certain cases, with affiliates or service providers in other jurisdictions.

4. Sharing of Information: W24 may share user data with various third parties, including service providers, advertisers, cloud storage providers, analytics providers, subsidiaries, law enforcement agencies, etc., for services, marketing, analytics, policy enforcement, and legal compliance purposes.

5. Retention of Information: User data is retained for as long as necessary to provide services and comply with legal obligations.

6. User Rights: Users have rights to access, update, withdraw their data, and opt out of communications.

7. Security: W24 implements industry-standard security measures like encryption, password protection, and physical security to safeguard user data.

8. Children's Information: The Platform is not intended for users under 18 years, and W24 does not knowingly collect information from minors.

9. Third-party Platforms: The Platform may contain links to third-party websites or services, subjecting users' interactions to their respective terms and privacy policies.

10. Contact Information: Users can contact W24's Grievance Officer for queries or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy or the Platform.

11. Changes to Policy: W24 reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy, and users are encouraged to review it periodically for updates.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform users about how W24 collects, uses, and protects their personal information while using the W24 Platform.